To get to Kruger National Park you have to travel quite a few kilometers on a route that doesn't have many sights to offer.
We have now arrived at the Gariep Dam. A great campsite with a lake right in front of us.

The day before we were in Graaf Reinet, where we went on a short hike to the amazing rock formations called "Desolation Valley"

From here from high up you have a great view of Graaf Reinet

From above in the circle you can see that the white people live in really nice houses. And of course the wealthy black people of the city too. On the left is a district with small houses in which black people live and earn money to afford a certain standard of living. In the two districts at the back right the poorer or poorer population lives in corrugated iron or other housing. A class system still prevails. In our experience, 98 percent of the people in the better bars and restaurants are white. Graaf Reinet is a small town with 26,000 inhabitants and we felt safe here.

Above typical Cape Dutch house

Always straight ahead, initially past endless pastures, where wild ostriches also roam around.
Before that, however, we took it easy. Last night we made the plan for the next few days. We know we have to get the 1,200 kilometers to the Blyde River Canyon behind us.
Long straight stretches lie ahead of us.
In Bloemfontein we planned to buy the malaria tablets we still needed.
We received expert advice from a pharmacy. How long have you been in
Area with malaria? 30 days OK, take 2 days before plus 30 days and 7 days after, that's 39 tablets per person, how many have you got? 24 OK, missing 15 times 2 is 30.
That worked out well.

We continue from Bloemfontein to Seneka

Read the name on the picture, Camping Oberammergau 😂
Here we spend the night in Seneka, another place in the middle of nowhere. Before that we drive past 30 kilometers of sunflower fields, and even more corn. The campsite we go to is funny (it's the only one within a 100-kilometer radius).
The owner introduces himself, his name is Johann, then he hears my/our family name Maier. He says most families here are called Maier or Schmidt. His family emigrated here in 1919.

Katherina is cooking for us tonight, she's really good at it.
So now we are finalizing the plan for the next few days (we have received approval from Kruger Park for 2 nights camping in Skukuza) using a map, internet and travel guide.

By the time everything is done, you are tired, but you know what you have to do tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow we will already be in the Kruger National Park.