Toldis - Toldi - toldi Travel to Central Asia, via Poland Latvia, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Pyrenees, Normandy, Greece, Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Romania, Hungary, North Macedonia, Pyrenees, France, Spain, Morocco, Gibraltar, South America, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Santiago de Chile, Finland, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia,
I am Toldi mascot, my task
Bring luck and be careful - my motto
find the right car
After we had decided where we wanted to go on our first trip, we thought about which vehicle we could use to make it. It's not an easy process. You have to feel your way around.
After reading many travel reports, we decided on a Toyota Landcruiser, even though the price was much higher than what we had initially imagined. Defenders and other vehicles were also under consideration. But in all the travel reports, the Landcruiser seemed the safest.
Ultimately, the following were important to us:
off-road capability
a minimum level of comfort
That's when we came across Tom's Fahrzeugtechnik , whose Worldcruiser 1 - 4 series offers the vehicle with the upgrade we had imagined.
A Lancruiser (bush taxi) GRJ78 with a petrol engine as a base.
Tom's models 1 - 4 are based on this.
We finally decided on the smallest model, the Worldcruiser 1. It doesn't seem that big to handle and with its folding roof it doesn't look like a motorhome
this is him now the "Mr. Leo"