Not much has happened yet, started in Todtmoos on Sunday 22.01.24 to travel by train to FFM airport. Initial shock: the DB navigator says "train cancelled". Decision to take the next train. Connection bad. Replacement bus service is offered from Mannheim. 18 minutes walk to the bus station 😀. with luggage, that makes me happy. Toldi stays calm, he says he will arrange it. We are simply supposed to go to the platform. In fact, we can't believe it: there is a sparkling ICE to FFM on our platform. We get on and off we go. The train leaves exactly on the minute and is pretty empty. No wonder the navigator says "train cancelled".

Vesper for 3 👍 Toldi deserves it and
is quite proud, he says he skipped another train because of it.

Relax again at the airport before we encounter the first "colonialists" when boarding.

Brave, says Toldi, and he wants a hat like that too. The plane takes us to Windhoek in a quiet 10-hour flight. Blue skies, 30 degrees, no one can complain. Get the suitcase, exchange money, pick up the rental car and... practice driving on the left.

For the first two nights we rented a cozy guesthouse.

You can tell that the Germans have been here before, because the good dinner is accompanied by local beer brewed according to the German Purity Law.
Ate Namibia Trio for the first time: zebra, springbok, kudu, with sweet potato, so delicious.
Then you can look forward to the next day with satisfaction.